This is to Andie who is trying to keep vegetarian and her husband is worried
about Thanksgiving. My in-laws are all SAD eaters. I just bring a main
veggie meal as my dish to pass for the meal. No one makes a big deal about
it. Holidays are the worst when a person is changing over to a veggie diet.
So many emotions and memories are tied up in the holiday traditions,
including the meal. It took me a while before I could disassociate the
smell of t**key, etc. with all the warm fuzzies that goes along with the
holiday and eating. I can't say that family still doesn't comment on my
refusal to eat the m**t, but they have traditions and memories vested in the
meal as well. My husband eats vegetarian at home because that is all I cook.
When we go out or are at family/holiday meals, he will eat m**t, but never
feels good after the meal. As long as I don't have to cook it, or smell it
cooking(the worst!), I don't mind.