My parents both had elevated cholesterol and were advised by a cardiologist to
take psyllium every day. My father has it as a "shake" together with orange
juice every morning, but my mother cannot stomach the consistency. In time,
my father's cholesterol's has dropped to 172, but my mother's is not
improving. She is thin, in good shape otherwise and her diet is exemplary
(she is very disciplined), but she has age and biology against her - she comes
from a family where several members are "cholesterol factories" (in the
cardiologist's words). I was wondering if anyone had FF/VLF recipes
incorporating psyllium or knew of any cookbooks or other sources to turn to
for ideas. I know this is off topic so I would appreciate private replies. I
thought to turn to all of you since you're always so helpful and
knowledgeable, and I apologize if I've overstepped my bounds.
Annette Fishman