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D.C. Area Eating

     For those working around or visiting downtown D.C. in the area of the 
     Smithsonian Castle (Independence Avenue), we frequent these for lunch:
        Frank 'n Stein at L'Enfant Plaza (veggie pita, baked potatoes)
        Taco Bell at L'Enfant Plaza
        Au Bon Pan at L'Enfant Plaza 
        Gallery Deli at 901 D Street SW [Aerospace Building, also
           marked 370 from the promenade] (veggie sandwiches, salad bar)
        Smithsonian Castle (fancy salad bar, vegetarian soup)
     Hope this helps folks visiting the Smithsonian or government buildings 
     in the area.  Can't count how many times tourists stop me asking for 
     help finding a healthy place to eat lunch.
