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veg broth

Hi:  I am the one who posted that about making veg. broth with left over
veg. scraps. Remember, they are just that - scraps.....tops from carrots,
peelings from potatoes, skins of onions, skin/seeds of tomatoes, cabbage
scraps - things you would normally throw away or recycle.  I cook them all
together (even use the corn water after cooking corn on the cobs and other
veg. waters) and then drain them and throw away the scraps - they are, at
this point, worthless, all the flavor has been cooked out of them and they
are one big globby mess.  But the broth they leave behind is priceless. I am
noted for my low fat, no salt soups, stews and sauces, all which have a
basis in this broth.  Hope this explains - Marie
