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Coffee and Tea

At our house we love coffee, and get ours via mail order from Gevalia. On
weekends, I will make special coffees by putting in the coffee basket with
the coffee (for a 10-cup pot):

- a drop or two of almond extract with a few ground blanced almonds;

- one good grate of nutmeg, three of ginger root, and a bit of orange zeste
(this coffee is expecially good with visitors at Christmas);

- powdered cinammon to taste;

- 1 T. of cocoa powder mixed in with the coffee well.

Just as liqueurs are nice in coffee, so are syrups. Maple is really nice in
coffee...very nice on cool fall mornings.

To make a latte, make your coffee twice as strong (or make expresso if you
have the machine), putting the first drips (a little over a tablespoon)
into a half cup of sugar and begin to whip with a spoon. After a few
minutes it will look like whipped topping, which you float on the coffees
before serving. You don't need milk to do this!

When brewing a pot of tea at Christmas time (the English way, scalding the
pot first), I will add crushed corriander seeds, cinammon stick, and orange
zeste for my special tea. It's a bit like Constant Comment, but perhaps a
little more sophisticated.

For a real treat, though, I brew Lapsang Soochong, a smoked Chinese tea
which is out of this world...absolutely wonderful in the Fall.

Sylvia 8-)  +

<><Sylvia Genders LeReverend <>< Information Technology Research Centre
(ITRC) <>< An Ontario Centre of Excellence <>< 6 King's College Road <><
Room 286 <>< University of Toronto <>< Toronto, Ontario <>< M5S 3H5 <><
sylvia@xxxxxxxxxx <>< http://www.itrc.on.ca <>< "Carve your name on the
hearts of others - not on marble." --Anonymous <><
