Last night my former roommate (who is also a member of the list) and I went
out for sushi. We had green salads before dinner and bribed our waitress
into telling us what was in the salad dressing. Unfortunately, she was
unable to give us quantities. We were wondering if anyone has a "real
recipe" or even can give us something similar. She listed the
ingredients as: sesame Seeds, ginger, saki, soy sauce, garlic, sugar.
I've also had something similar before which had carrots in it.
Does anyone have any ideas? If the recipes or suggestions don't conform to
the guidelines, please email me privately.
Thanks as always for all the great ideas and recipes.
PS. Susan and I bought lots of ginger last night for pickling and planting!
Sarah Novotny
University of North Carolina
Department of Physics
CB#3255 Phillips Hall
Chapel Hill NC 27514