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diet group and rice milk

Hi Group. 

To answer Kitty about diet groups. I lost 40 lbs this past year 
at weight watchers. The group aspect is what really has helped me. It
was the "At Work" program so less commercialized than at their centers.
I've changed my outlook on food and exercise and now thry to prepare food
for myself and my family that is very very low fat. Its been revolutionary
to lose the weight and keep it off for a year. I feel fantastic. 

To answer Sue Ann about rice milk.  I asked about making rice milk and
got no reply, but I found a recipe for it in the fatfree recipe archives
by using the searchable index on the WWW page and asked for "rice milk".
Look at the tailer on your digest for the address of the www page. Good luck.
   --- Sharon Wolf
       in beautiful Berkeley
