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fat comparisons

I copied this from the newspaper, it talks about the 1997 Illustrated
Calendar of Fat, put together by John Flaherty, a photographer from
Waltham, Mass.

* Two french fries from a fast-food restaurant equal two whole baked
potatoes (1/2 gram of fat)
* One chocolate donut equals 70 oranges (21 grams of fat)
* One corn chip equals 40 baby carrots (1 gram fat)
* One peanut equals 2.86 cups of air-popped popcorn (0.86 grams of fat)
* One ounce od potato chips equals 20 ounces of pretzels (10 grams of
* A third of the recommended servig of Creamy Parmesan dressing equals
about 10 pounds of tomatoes (6 grams of fat)
Jenka Keizer-Guevara			The University of Alabama 
jkeizer3@xxxxxxxxxxxx			Tuscaloosa, Alabama
