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Blue Green Algae

On Fri, 10 Oct,  rong@xxxxxxxxxx (Mary Ann Rose and Ron Gallinger)
> I used to have the same chocolate cravings that you describe.
>I believe that cravings are present because there is something in our
>diet that is lacking...
>I started eating blue green algae about 2 years ago and
>my cravings went away.

Since I started eating very low fat, veggie diet, I have found myself
craving choc as well.  This is surprising, since I never was a
choco-holic at all!

Will someone please fill me in on blue green algae?  Where do you buy it?
 Does it just say 'blue green algae' on the box?  Do you cook it?


Jayne Kocsis
Fairfax, VA
