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Pilgrimage to Moosewood

I was in Ithaca this week and happened to end up eating with a group of
people at the Moosewood Restaurant (You know, that old Mollie Katzen cookbook
that is veggie,but laden with cheese and butter!)  Anyway, they had some
great dishes that were low fat (a chinese roasted veg with hoisin sauce on
brown rice with a small bit of marinated tofu) and a jamaican rice and black
bean dish with an avocado garnish.  a smidge fatty for McDougall (avocado)
but a great veggie treat.

  They are about to come out with a new Moosewood LOW FAT cookbook which i
will definitely be watching out for.  I had been told to expect them to be  a
bit "holier than thou" but they were gracious, friendly, reasonably priced
and unfortunately way too far away from DC.      cheers to one and all--and
keep on truckin' zoe, it will all work out ok...
