I found a posting (I think it was from this list but I'm not sure.)
from about 2 years ago that might be helpful. Sorry, it's not
something I've tested.
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 94 09:33:14 MDT
From: Doug Medin --- Morgan Community College <MC_DOUG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Alternative to rice cookers
As an alternative to a rice cooker, we have been cooking rice in a pressure
cooker for years with perfect results. We use long brown rice. For example, if
we want to cook 1 cup of rice (we've done more), we would fill the pressure
cooker with 1-1/2 cups of water, put the rack in, place a bowl on the rack (our
is stainless steel) with 1 cup of rice and 1-1/2 cups of rice in it.
When the pressure cooker reaches high pressure, we time it for 8 minutes and
turn it off.
We do a lot of other pressure cooking and find that it saves a lot of time with
good results.