If anyone follows naturopathy, I have finally completed the notes I took at
the College of Naturopathy in Toronto (accredited) on menopause, diet, and
supplementation. It's long, so if you would like a copy, please let me know
and I will e-mail it to you as an attached doc. Also let me know if you
don't have binhex conversion capability and I will change the settings.
Sylvia 8-) +
<>< Sylvia Genders LeReverend <>< Secretary to the President <>< Tel. (416)
978-7206 <>< Fax (416) 978-7207 <>< Information Technology Research Centre
(ITRC) <>< An Ontario Centre of Excellence <>< 6 King's College Road <><
Suite 286 <>< Toronto, Ontario <>< M5S 3H5 <>< sylvia@xxxxxxxxxx <><
http://www.itrc.on.ca <>< "I don't know the key to success, but the key to
failure is trying to please everybody." --Bill Cosby <><