>Date: Wed, 16 Apr 97 08:28:43 cst
>From: TIFFANY PEREDA <tpereda@xxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Recipe update
>Message-Id: <9703168612.AA861204548@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Question, my mother-in-law (who is Peruvian) makes this
> quite good, and very high-fat, dish that has potatoes,
> zucchini, some other squash stuff, all in a yellowish type
> sauce. and it is quite good, but getting all of the
ingredients out of her is> like pulling teeth. Anyone possibly
know what could be in
> it? specifically what makes the sauce so yellow? >
> Thanks!
> Tiffany
The yellow color in most South American cooking comes from the Annato seed/bean. It is available through Goya.