A friend used to make garbage broth back in the 70's...and it wasn't very good.
I am an avid camper (luxury camping in a VERY old canvas tent trailer, with
Coleman kitchen, going for electrical sites in provincial parks) and spend
a lot of time cooking. One thing I do is make up lots of stuff ahead of
time and put it in zip-lock bags (curried rice, herbed rice, dried vegies
and millet, fruited Red River cereal, pancake mix, etc.). I take a small
Rubbermaid box of spices, and saute whatever fresh f**h the husband likes.
FF chocolate chips in slit bananas with the peel pulled back up is one of
the main treats, and can be made with marshmallows, too.
I also take little packets of dry salad dressings, to be mixed up in very
small amounts with vegie broth made with good-tasting yeast, onion powder,
and herbs (Dr. Pinkney's recipe).
Camping is so much easier for a vegan once you get the hang of it...
Sylvia 8-) +
@>->-- Nelsie's Cupboard --<-<@ @>->-- Yesterday's answers for today's
skin --<-<@
--<-<@ Custom soaps and toiletries to order... for very sensitive people @>->--
@>->-- 168 Swanwick Avenue...Toronto, Ontario...M4E 2A6 --<-<@
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@>-> "When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why
the poor have no food, the call me a communist."--Dom Heider Camara --<-<@
+T+ @>->--