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Yogurt Cheese & Banana Nut Crunch...

Hie there,

I mentioned that I was making yogurt cheese for the very first time, and
have no idea what to do with it when it's done... well, it IS done now...
and I've kept in in a small container in the fridge... 

The texture's like cream cheese, but the taste is STILL very "yogurty"...
in fact I think it's a little tart... so wat do I do with it now?? I tried
adding artificial sweetener to a little of it & eating it with a cracker...
it was OK but not fantastic... so, does anyone have a recipe out there tat
uses yogurt cheese?? I would also appreciate any tips on making my cheese
taste better.... am already thinking of using vanilla honeycomb flavoured
yogurt next time....

Plus, I'm also looking for a recipe for granola that should taste like the
Banana Nut Crunch cereal by Post... it's too expensive here in Singapore...
and way too high in fat (6 gms per 50g serving) to be healthy for me... my
sister loves the banana flavour & I would love to make some for her....

Thanks alot in advance.

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Karen Lim
National University of Singapore

