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protein requirements

this is for serena...

i realize this is in contradiction to what janine posted, but it's my 
feeling (and the feeling of some nutrition experts) that most people 
don't need more than 50 grams of protein daily. i have also heard that 
weightlifting does not increase your protein need. i learned, from _earl 
mindell's vitamin bible_ that you need to multiply your body weight (in 
pounds) by 0.36 and that should give you your protein requirement (in grams).

as long as you're getting enough calories (from fruits, vegetables, 
grains, and legumes) you are definitely getting enough protein. if you're 
still not convinced, check out the usda nutrient database (accessible by 
the fatfree website) and count the amount of protein you get from a 
typical day's meals... count EVERYTHING, even orange juice. i think 
you'll be very surprised at what you find. 

good luck!

:) anne
