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RE: question (Evert-Fresh Bags)

Tina Bell asks:

>Got my first Dixie Diner catalog today.
>Noticed the Evert-Fresh Bags.
>Claim is your produce stays fresh much
>Has anybody tried these?  Did they work?

Yes!  So long as you remember to use them.  ;)  It took a bit of getting
used to using them at first.  I usually forgot them in the pantry and would
just pour all my foods into the crisper and fruit bins.  However, if you
let them get shoved to the back of the refer, for say a month (this
happened once with some lettuce and green onions)  don't expect miricles!
YUCK!  :-P"


\*/\*/\*/ Lynda \*/ Pixilated@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \*/ So. Calif.\*/\*/ _@v
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