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Re: Mustard excitement

At 10:10 AM +1200 8/22/97, Jessica Parsons wrote:

 * When I worked the numbers, the modification that the original poster used
 * was still (at the worst case) under 15% fat.
 * (BTW, by my calculations you can't add a cupful of mustard to the original
 * recipe and be under 10% fat - I'd be interested in how this was reached.)

Jess, what numbers are you using for mustard? Granted, if a mustard is prepared
with added oil, then there is far more fat, but a good average for mustards
prepared without any added fat is:

               1 tsp:        1 cup:

Calories:        4          180
Fat:            .2 gms      10.6  gms

%CFF:           47%

It you take the spicy potato recipe, as posted, reduce the number of potatoes
in 1/2 to 4, and up the mustard to 1 full cupful (16 tablespoons! - which
wouldn't be terribly appetizing, IMHO, and I love mustard), the total recipe

Calories:  1336
Fat:        13 gms
%CFF:        8%

These numbers all come from MasterCook.

Ellen C.
