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Egg substitute vs. Egg Whiites

Hate to say this, folks, but people who are concerned about egg whites
because of the supposed samonella problem (yes, it can happen, but the
most publicised version was because the truck had carried egg whites and
was not properly cleaned out prior to it carrying another load of milk

Take a look at the ingredients.  What does it say?  EGG WHITES!

Oh, and a bit of food coloring to make it taste terrible and give it a
yellow color.

That's okay if you're ovo or ovo/lacto, but egg substitutes...Ener-G Egg

Try it in recipies for do-it-yourself salad dressings, etc.  You'll find
that it's a very good product.

As for salads, I've started eating 'em sans dressing.  I was forced into
it once (because no FF stuff was available) and lo and behold, the salad
material has more than enough moisure to make it palatable AND I could
taste the veggies!  

I somtimes sprinkle a touch of seasoned salt over "dry" salads for a
change, but a decent tossed salad should have more than enough moisture
to please any palate.

