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New List: Healing-Heart

While FatFree was down, a new list was started called Healing-Heart.
The purpose of the Healing-Heart mailing list is to provide a support 
group for those who are trying to reverse or prevent coronary artery
disease, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and 
other heart risk factors; to explain, encourage and motivate people 
to change their lifestyle to very low fat, primarily vegetarian 
nutrition; to engage in regular exercise that provides cardiovascular
benefits; to better handle stress; and, for some, to enhance 
connections with others.  (This list does NOT accept recipes.) 

To join (subscribe to) the Healing-Heart list, all that is needed
is to send an ordinary email message to:   waste@xxxxxxxxx 
If you'd like the regular version of the list, where each message 
is sent to you as soon as it is posted, send the following line:
        subscribe healing-heart 
If you'd prefer the digest version, where all the posts are held 
until the end of the day and sent to you in a single message, with 
a list of contents, send the following line:
        subscribe healing-heart-digest 
No subject is needed. Only subscribers can post to Healing-Heart.
Information and guidelines will be sent to all new subscribers.

For those who would like to read something about this list before
they join, a web page is at:

Neal Pinckney  <owner-healing-heart@xxxxxxxxx> 
