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ffree cheese flavor

I was cruising the net, looking for "fat burners," and one of the pages
said that the enzyme, lipase, is responsible for the strong "cheesy" flavor
in Roquefort, Parmesan, and other robust cheeses (as well as being a "fat
burner"). There was someone on the net selling lipase for $6.00 for 2
ounces, but I'll bet you can get it cheaper at the health food store. I am
going to do some experimenting with lipase and pureed garbanzo beans as a
cheaper cheese substitute (than TofuRella at nearly $4.00 a small pack). It
sure would be lovely to have "cheese" burritos, tacos, etc. again!

 Love from Mara van der Pas in Santa Cruz (marav@xxxxxxxxxx)


"A world federal system, ruling the whole earth and exercising
unchallengeable authority over its unimaginably vast resources, blending
and embodying the ideals of both the East and the West, liberated from the
curse of war and its miseries, and bent on the exploitation of all the
available sources of energy on the surface of the planet, a system in which
Force is made the servant of Justice, whose life is sustained by its
universal recognition of one God and by its allegiance to one common
Revelation--such is the goal towards which humanity, impelled by the
unifying forces of life, is moving."

         - Shoghi Effendi, "Guidance for Today and Tomorrow," (1931)

