MERINGUES: For any following meringues as I am at the moment, the 164 (!)
cookies (left in preheated to 350F then turned off oven and left over night
as a couple of recipes on the Web instructed) were grossly textured,
squidgy, not dry, etc. The shape of my careful, Hershey kiss piping was
lost on some, BUT .. the good news is: I turned the oven on to 200F, left
them in for an hour, rotating sheets after 30 minutes, and they're in there
now drying further with oven turned off. I just tested one (okay, 3 ;))
and they are (relatively ugly but) JUST FINE!! Hallelujah!
I doubt I'd trust their safety if I'd used fresh egg whites. I happened to
be out of eggs and used dried whites called "Deb's Just Whites" (I'm VERY
impressed with them, btw), so I'm not worried about them having been in the
heat half-cooked all night. What a find! This may even become a
convenient way of pre-shaping them, then finishing baking in the morning
... who knows? Hmmm, just checked again and I actually *like* (prefer?)
the ones that flattened out ... they're like ff mocha wafers and
interesting. Sometimes "mistakes" *do* provide new, wonderful results.
BOUILLON: I'm curious about Better than Bouillon, too. I've been looking
at it at the market and would love to hear if someone thinks it's really
great. The jar is so beautiful it looks almost too commercial to me a first
glance. What other instant broth products do you like? I've bought
Bernard Jensen's Vegetable Seasoning (powder .. can make broth) but haven't
yet used it. I'd love to hear about the products I've looked at for years
but not used for some reason.