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hiking meal options

Greetings to all!

My husband, another couple, and myself are going canoeing in the
Boundary Waters of Minnesota and Canada for 7 days in July and since I
am engaged in a major weight-loss program, I have been told to plan the
menus for the trip (yikes, what pressure!).  I was wondering if anyone
here has any tried and true recipes which can be made in such a
situation.  We will be hiking in all of our own food and so ideally
whatever I come up with will be light to carry, vlf,  nutritious and
filling.   One other restriction is that we aren't allowed to bring any
cans with us, so all the food has to be put into ziploc bags.  One idea
I had was to use a dehydrater and dry as much fruit as we can in the
weeks prior to leaving.  After that, I am at a loss!

Thanks in advance for your help!

Eileen  :-)
