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King Avenue Coffeehouse

Carla et al.-

I am a grad. student at OSU and therefore live in Columbus.  The food at King
Ave is great and I am good friends with one of the chefs.  However, not all or 
even most of it is low fat.  They make a delicious Thai spicy noodles that has 
loads of peanut butter in it.  They have specials daily which includes a veggie 
special and a rice and beans special, so you can find low fat meals.  They also 
serve a brunch on Sun. mornings.

It is located near campus just east of the corner of King and Neil.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


*  "It is better to know some of  *   Gary M. Macklis             *
*  the questions than all of      *   Department of Psychology    *
*   the answers."                 *   The Ohio State University   *
*                James Thurber    *   macklis.2@xxxxxxx           *
