I posted:
>>I freeze grapes as a warm weather snack -- don't thaw -- just pop the frozen
>>grapes in your mouth. Teething babies and kids love these.
You responeded:
>If you are going to give them to children, please slice them in half
>lengthwise before freezing. Grapes are just the right size and shape to get
>lodged in the windpipe.
Susan said:
>I was interested to see the mention of frozen grapes for teething babies,
>but was also concerned about choking. My daughter loved frozen peas! She
>never choked on them and they were terrific for fine motor development. It
>always seemed like I was giving her something akin to pebbles, but she did
>love them and she has loved peas ever since!
For those moms concerned with choking, I agree with the poster above who
responded to my original message: slice the grapes in half. I never gave
these to my kids because I never thought about it, but I have witnessed 7
and 8 month olds gumming them whole with-
out a problem. But, much better to be safe than sorry. And yes, Susan,
frozen peas are also a good choice and my two children enjoyed them.
Although as teens now, peas are *not* their favorite vegie.
Sorry for the confusion.
Sandee Ritter