Hi Jenka,
I think you miss the "spicy" part of food or do you still use a lot of spices?
Mustard also contains some fat (from the mustard seeds), but I think it is the
spicy thing. I also miss that when I am eating macrobiotically.
Aan 24-03-97 14:24, in bericht <33368088.6295@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jenka
Keizer-Guevara <jkeizer3@xxxxxxxxxxxx> schreef:
> What does mustard have? A year and 1/2 ago, some months after I started
> my diet (McDougall's, now the same with some improvisations) I craved
> mustard, then it went away, and now again, I really could it the spicy
> kind by tablespoons full :)
> What am I missing? Salt?
> TIA for any info
> Jenka
> --
> *****************************************************************
> Jenka Keizer-Guevara The University of Alabama
> jkeizer3@xxxxxxxxxxxx Instructional Technology
> http://ua1vm.ua.edu/~jkeizer3/ Doctoral Candidate