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Soya Kaas and sugar substitute

     In response to Judy's question about SoyaKaas fat free soy cheese, I 
     think it's great! For a while I was using Tofurella (or something like 
     that) but it didn't melt very well. On the other hand, the SoyaKaas 
     fat free mozarella-flavor cheese melts very well, almost like real 
     cheese. I have even used it in a non-dairy lasagna, and it turned out 
     great! Although the cheese is non-dairy, I don't think it's vegan. If 
     I remember correctly, it has casein in it (to help it melt better). 
     On an unrelated note, I have just discovered a noncaloric, 
     nonartificial sweetener (thanks to the Natural Nutrition list). It's 
     called Stevia and you can find it in the herbal section of your HFS. 
     It comes in a liquid or powder form, and it is many times sweeter than 
     sugar or aspartame. I only need about 1/16 or 1/32 of a teaspoon to 
     sweeten a cup of coffee or a bowl of oatmeal, etc. It does have a 
     little bit of a strange aftertaste, but as long as you don't try to 
     eat it straight, it shouldn't be a problem. (Besides, it's **way** too 
     sweet to eat it straight. Yuck.) Oh yeah, it's a tad expensive too. 
     For a little bottle, I paid about $15, but the label says it has 
     several hundred servings in the bottle. (So I guess it's not **that** 
     expensive after all!)
     Glad to have the list back! Thanks, Michelle!
