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ff and vegan in Lakeland FL

This is for Jan who asked about ff and vegan food in restaurants in Lakeland,
FL.  I live in Lakeland so I made a couple of phone calls to check it out.  I
am not vegan or vegetarian, but eat mostly low fat and very little meat, so I
wanted to see what these two places said, even though I have eaten in both, I
am not as careful as Jan is.

TGI Fridays  
4204 US Hwy 98 N
Lakeland FL
Tel 941-853-5166  Just past the Lakeland Mall, same side of street, north of
downtown, 10 or 15 min.

They have a Steamed Vegetable Medley.  It is baked potato and an assortment
of steamed and still crunchy vegies, I remember there was broccoli, zukes &
yellow crookneck squash and red and green pepper and mushrooms.  You can ask
them to leave the cheese off the potato which I did and serve it plain.  The
person I spoke to reassured me there wasn't any oil used and said probably 1
g or less fat without the cheese on the potato.  They also serve the
"gardenburger" i don't know if that is vegan, they also have a broken noodle
pasta dish, but I think it does have egg.  There is a bar in this restaurant,
but this is a family place, nothing rowdy or uncomfortable, very clean and
friendly.  I think it is open 7 days a week.

Anthony's Health Hut and Restaurant
5329 S. Florida Ave.
Lakeland FL
Tel 941-644-5330   About 15 minutes from downtown Lakeland, this time on the
south side of Lakeland  Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm  Sat 9 am - 5pm

Health food store plus small section restaurant.  Soups, sandwiches, salads
vegetarian burgers.   I spoke with Anthony (a woman) who is the owner and
they have fatfree dressings for salads, they have five grain and brown rice
they serve in cups, nothing added.  Salads choice of ff dressing.  I have had
many times the avocado,cukes and alfalfa sprouts in pita, I guess you could
leave off the avacado, I leave off the tomato (don't like raw tom).  I have
mayo, but you could have plain or choice of ff dressing here too.  Comes with
raw carrots on side.
They have fruit blender drinks and herb teas.  A nice friendly clean store
with many good products, you could probably find some stuff in their freezer
for snacks.  But I am not sure about the vegan thing, but you can check it

Also there are usually salad bars in most of the restaurants, you can call
ahead and see if they have one where you want to eat.  If I am particularly
wanting to be fatfree on a given day I carry my owndressing in a little
container just to be sure.

I would bet that Orlando and the other place you're going (can't remember
where) will have more to offer than Lakeland.  

This is a pretty city though and quite friendly.  We have lived here for ten
years.  Try and visit Lake Morton across from the Library where the swans are
nesting and lots of geese, ducks and so forth.  A one mile walk around and
enjoyable.  Hope you have a good time visiting here.

Do hope this helps.  I have found so many good tips on this fatfree list and
good  recipes too.  Everyone seems so friendly and supportive.

Best Wishes,  Barbara Hatfield  
