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Making VLF-Friendly Friends

Hi Everyone!

Mike Rosenblatt asked about making VLF friends.

How about putting an ad in your local vegetarian-friendly places &
publications to organize a VLF dinner group?

I responded to one in the Baltimore area for a vegan dinner group and
have made many new friends through it. Each member commits to hosting
periodically and brings one dish within our printed guidelines to the
monthly get-togethers.

It's a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by people who share not only
your food tastes but many of your allied interests and values as well.

We have been doing this for a couple of years now and even go out
together periodically. This year, I intend to ask that a new VLF
guideline be added.

If anyone tries this, I'd be interested in knowing how it goes and your
ideas for the get-togethers. I'd also be happy to share our new-member
packet which outlines our expectatiuons and guidelines.

Also, if anyone in the Baltimore-Columbia, MD metropolitan area would
like to join, e-mail me at: globlcit@xxxxxxxxx

Good luck and healthy eating!

Sandy Laken
