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Re: FATFREE Digest V97 #16

>          My SAD husband told me yesterday that he would like to
>          incorporate some healthier habits into his diet (joy).
>          So, I am looking for sandwich ideas that will be substantial
>          enough for him to consider them FOOD, and prevent him from
>          snacking on junk

Check at our health food store for Seitan lunch slices, or if  yuo are
lucky you will find it in long sticks like salami.  It makes great
sandwiches.  Another idea is bean spreads,  Make a fatfree humos, (many
recipes in the archives) or a spread with navy beans and roasted garlic or
horseradish, blend until smooth, add lettuce amd tomatoes etc.

You can also find fatfree tofu hot dogs.  By the time y ou add all the
fixin's you can't tell the difference, (well hardly).  Great with veggie
chili for chili dogs.

Add a baggie of colorful raw veggies or a fruit salad and there you go.

This change for many of us is a gradual thing, One success promotes
another, and eventually the tastes and cravings actually change.
