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Tiffany was seeking ideas for her husband's lunches.

When I first started eating fatfree vegetarian (about the same time) I
too missed the bulk of lunches I was eating previously.

I overcame this by eating dishes such as *large* serves of leftovers
from dinner the previous evening. Pasta dishes and rice stir fries both
work well.  I have heard (although have not heard a convincing
scientific explanation) that mixing protein and carbohydrates 'fills you
up more' than eating either on their own.  This seems to work with me
(beans and toast, yohgurt and a bagel etc).

I also used to make use of the microwave and bake a hot potato, topped
with yoghurt and salsa and sometimes cheese.  The plain yoghurt is a
great replacement for any butter or margarine and if you cut the potato
before cooking, it won't be dry.

Also, and I know this is only psychological (but for me that is most of
the battle) I tended to ensure I had a range of 'snacks' accompanying my
meal; a tub of yoghurt, a low calorie packet of hot soup (not
particularly healthy) some fruit.  The more 'dishes'  I consumed, the
more satisfying my meal became.

I found the 'lunches' part of a fatfree vegetarian diet the hardest
thing, but now feel I have got it beaten - almost!


PS Shawn - your calzone recipe sounds delicious.  Could you please post
this - to me privately if it doesn't meet the list guidelines? Thanks.

Kirsten Andrews
Executive Assistant to the Deputy Vice Chancellor
University of South Australia
Ph: 61 8302 0544
Fax: 61 8302 0220
