The Ganges is an absolutely *excellent* Vegetarian Indian restaurant.
Much better and more interesting menu than the regular Indian
restuarants. It's cheap, there are musicians playing, but you'll
probably have to make reservations. You might have to pay close
attention to the amount of fat, but it's a great restaurant.
There are also quite a few Veggie Chinese restaurants in China town,
sorry, I don't remember the names.
Greens is supposed to be excellent too, although I've never been there.
Have a good time!
Jessica R. Shawl - DT Platform Applications Intel Corp. RN4-43
http://infonet.intel.com/DT/orgs/apps/platform 2200 Mission College
jshawl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Santa Clara, CA 95052
work: (408) 765-1357 fax: (408) 765-6298
http://www-fes.fm.intel.com/~jshawl/ (INTEL)
http://www.engr.ukans.edu/~gurus448/ (NON-INTEL)