<x-quoted> Also, does the MWLP espouse the consumption of red peppers. He didn't
One of the coolest things I learned this summer is the fact that red peppers (you know, the "regular" kind) are actually green peppers that stay on the vine a bit longer. So technically they may be considered "riper" green peppers. Hope that helps.
I've been "eye-vesdropping" on the FF list for a couple of weeks, and I'm really inspired. I'm starting to incorporate the McDougall lifestyle into my eating habits, and it is very satisfying! I'm interested in the green and orange philosophy as well. Also, I've heard it's good to eat "full-spectrum" from a variety standpoint. Any comments on that? Are there any blue veggies out there? Thanks a lot to all you hardcore FF-ers. You affect more lives than you realize.
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