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McDougall Recipes

Greetings All...

I just thought I'd let you know that I have lots of McD recipes that are
already mastercook formatted. They are from all over the place...friends
send them to me as they get the recipes typed in.

I personally scanned all the recipes in his newest cookbook and then ended
up returning the book... I found there were too many recipes with FAT in
them, so unlike the McDougalls, hope they aren't getting greedy to just
make a "McCookboook" . I have that bunch too if anyone is interested.

If you are interested, e-mail me privately and when I get enough folks who
want them I'll do a mass mailing.

Birdy Bright
Cool Dog Graphics
Eureka, CA Humboldt Co.
AKA the "Emerald Forest"
Northern California Zone 9
