I love this stuff! I'm so glad we are discussing it!
As for choosing the right vegetable and knowing how to cook it, the
best idea if possible, is to go to a farmer's market, even a small
one, and talk to the people selling the goods.
For example, I saw two sets of small pumpkins, and the seller told me
that the "mini pumpkins" would be difficult to eat alone (too bitter
or something) and that they were for decor. The slightly larger
"sweetie pie pumpkins" were very sweet and edible all alone. So I
tried a sweetie pie, and it was delicious. I cooked it by piercing
it, putting it in the microwave and hitting "fresh veg hard". When
done, I slice it open, scoop out the seeds, and eat it with a spoon.
The other squash I was raving about last week is called "delicata" --
boy is it delicious! Same cooking method as above. These squash are
about 9 inches long, 3 inches in diameter, mostly yellow with vertical
veins that are a green/orange color.
Ellen M. Sentovich
Cadence Berkeley Laboratories (510) 647-2807
2001 Addison Street, 3rd floor (510) 486-0205 (FAX)
Berkeley, CA 94704-1103 ellens@xxxxxxxxxxx