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Black Rice Pudding!

Hi all,

I have read with interest the info on rice and thought I would add my two 
bits... Here is a dessert that was the result of a creative afternoon in 
the kitchen - I have posted this recipe to other mailings lists and I eat 
it often... It looks amazing, is free from added fat, is healthy and 
absolutely delicious...

Black Rice Pudding:
1 cup black rice, cooked in about 2-21/2  cups water so it is very moist.
Add about 1 tablespoon of soft brown sugar or other sweetener (I often use 
pureed muscatel sultanas).  Then add about half a cup of shredded fresh 
coconut.  Mix all well together, place into a shallow tray and press down 
into tray firmly.  Refrigerate for a couple of hours.  When nice and cold 
and ready to serve cut into slices of about 5cm by 2cm.  Dribble fresh 
coconut milk over - you get a great black and white effect which looks 

Fresh Banana Cream:
Freeze some bananas (make sure to peel them before freezing)...  When rock 
hard stick in a blender (I use a champion juicer for this) and puree - you 
won't believe how creamy it is.

Serve Black Rice Pudding and Banana ice cream together with a few cubes of 
fresh mango... Simply divine!

Hope you enjoy,
