It's spelled "rotmos" in Swedish and it's pronounced "Rootamoose".
Yummy, mammas rotmos, a favourite in the family.
>Date: 17 Oct 1997 08:26:42 -0700
>From: "Zoe Sodja" <zoe_sodja@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Rutabaga
>Message-Id: <n1335045465.58130@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Linda suggested mash rutabaga and potatoes - my father grew up in a
>Swedish-American community in Wisconsin - in fact he couldn't speak English
>when he started kindergarten! And a Swedish dish he always loved was exactly
>that - mashed potatoes and rutabaga - he called it "Rootamoose" - I'm not sure
>of the spelling but that's what it sounded like!
>Zoe Sodja
>Santa Cruz