Some time ago I posted a ff Miracle Whip cake recipe which I
whole-heartedly endorsed. I was sorry to hear that the cooks anticipating
a masterpiece were disappointed when tofu mayo was used as a substitute.
When I was getting caught up in my email, I came across Noel's 'treatice on
the chemistry of baked goods', including an explaination on the virtues of
Miracle Whip. Thank you ever so much for sharing your information with us,
Noel! The effects of f**t on gluten in baking was particularly
interesting, and you have convinced me to use the appropriate flour in the
future. (I'm afraid I've used all-purpose for all my cooking and baking,
not realizing the importance of proper flour.)
Thanks again for the wealth of info.
Sharon M. BSc(Hons)Ost, MRO MGO
Reg'd Osteopath