This is for Aprille: I live in Doylestown, PA, south of
Allentown, and the Genuardi's here has a lot of things
like aseptic packages of soymilk and rice milk, and what I
really like: Kashi, the Breakfast Pilaf. When I was in the
Acme store last week, I saw a woman stocking the health-
food-gourmet section and asked her if they could get
this Kashi in the Acme. She asked if I shopped there all
the time. I lied and said yes. And then she said I asked
the right person! She was the local distributor for
specialty foods. It's supposed to be on the shelf in a
couple of weeks. This is good, because I don't get over
to the hfs often. Sorry that I can't recommend a hfs up