On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, Noel V. Nevins wrote:
> Flax Seed Gloop (1/4 c. per egg, again).....
> The suggested ratio of one part flax to 3 parts water can be made more
> efficient if you have time to soak the seeds, 1 hr to overnight. If you
> want to bake immediately, just simmer 1 part seeds in 3 parts water for
> about 7 min. With a long soak and a 20 minute simmer, I've used as little
> as 1/4 cup seeds in 3 cups water.
How long does the gloop keep after you've made it up? This sounds like a
good idea, but I don't think I'll be motivated to simmer 10 minutes in
the middle of baking....
Susan Lehman