Just a couple of things. My daughter is now a little over two and has,
like Hadass said, become extremely picky. I made all of her baby food and
when she started to reject it I was pretty discouraged. Keep it up though,
Julie. I am so happy that I gave her such good food from the very
Hadass mentioned "tofu balls." Can you post that recipe or send it to me
privately if it does not meet the guidlines of this list?
As far as feeding my daughter a vegetarian diet, I think it is a great
thing. I also had a vegetarian pregnancy and have never been told that I
was even close to anemic. I do worry sometimes that she does not get
enough protein, but that is just a symptom of being told all through my
younger years that meat was the "best" source of protein. As far as being
anemic goes, as long as you eat foods with iron or take a muti-vitamin
fortified with iron there should be no problem with anemia.
Just a little bit of my opinion.