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Dairyless in Canada

WKK wrote:
> Lastly, for my fellow Canadians looking for soy and rice milk, I
> have seen them available in quite a few of the smaller HFSs in Kitchener,
> Huntsville and Toronto, Ontario. Larger grocery stores do not seem
> interested in carrying them (or they are just conforming to government
> regulation).

Oh, I can get soy and rice milk, no problem. Ditto soy cheeses (and even
something called rice chunk which my baby ate for a while). These are all
carried by my local Safeway, although they are actually cheaper at the HFS. But
they aren't calcium-fortified.

Be well, Hadass

Dr. Hadass Eviatar  (XX)                        mailto:eviatar@xxxxxxxxxx 
National Research Council of Canada             Phone: (204) 984 - 4535
Institute for Biodiagnostics                    Fax:   (204) 984 - 5472
435 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 1Y6        http://www.ibd.nrc.ca/~eviatar
  "But penitence, prayer and good deeds can annul the severity of the decree"
