Place the amount of wheat you're going to need in one or more jars.
Soak in water for a few hours, then rinse and shake out as much water as
you can. Place in dark place for two or three days. Rinse the wheat
berries at least three times a day if possible.
At the end of three days, let them have some sunlight and they'll turn
If you're a bit adventurous, take some of the sprouted wheat berries and
place on a shallow baking sheet at about 200 degrees for about an hour.
Then use a small coffee mill to grind the dried wheat into malt.
Add tablespooon instead of sugar and let it rise. Yeast LOVES the
stuff. I love the taste of homemade malt and that's one way of maknig
Have fun with it!
Beverly Kurtin
Bev's Cooking 'n Eating Show