First of all I want to say thank you to Jerry Brick and Roger Terry for their
Banana Bonanza Bread recipe. Thanks for reposting it.........and making
things clear. I would like to happily add that I made it yesterday and it
turned out great! The right sized pan made the difference for me. Thanks
for being so patient and understanding with those of us who just didn't quite
get it!!
Secondly, does anyone have tips or a recipe for iced tea? Now, I know this
seems like a silly request - but - I can't seem to keep my tea from getting
cloudy once it goes in the fridge......and I hate it that way! I use spring
water........boil some of it - add tea bags......let it steep and add more
water to get it the strength that I like - which is a medium amber crystal
clear. I used to have the iced tea maker - but it broke and made too much
for just me to use before it went "stale" on me. Any suggestions?