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3 Soups

1 bunch young beetroot
2 onions
2 Pts stock
1 Tsp yeast extract
1 Tsp brown sugar
1 lemon

Chop the onions and fry gently in a small amount of the stock but do not
brown them.  Add the beetroot which you have washed and shredded.  Pour in
the rest of the stock and the juice of the lemon, then the yeast extract,
sugar and salt to taste.  Simmer for 40 minutes, mash slightly or blend
part of the soup and serve with fresh parsley.
Adapted from "Healthy eating for a new age" by Joyce D'silva.

Creme De Provence
1 LB tomatoes, skinned
1 LB potatoes, peeled and chopped
1 large onion, finely chopped
Some stock
4 Oz button onions
2 cloves garlic, minced
Thyme or basil
salt and pepper

Place tomatoes, potatoes, onion and garlic in a pan and cover with stock. 
Bring to a boil, cover and simmer very gently for 2 hours.  sieve the pan
and liquidize the vegetables.  Return the vegetables to the washed pan and
enough of their liquid to form a thick, but runny soup.  Peel the button
onions and boil in salted water until soft, about 10 minutes.  Add the
onions to the soup, and garnish with parsley just before serving.
Adapted from "Healthy eating for a new age" by Joyce D'Silva.

Green Pea Soup
1 LB fresh peas
4 spring onions
1 TSP salt
1 TSP brown sugar
2 TBSP soya flour
2 PT stock
Fresh mint or sage.

Clean and chop the spring onions and gently fry them in a little of the
stock for a minute.  Add the shelled peas, seasoning and rest of the stock.
 Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes.  Liquidize or mash with the
soya flour.  return to the rinsed pan and reheat, checking seasoning and
If the peas are really young, you can boil the pods if fresh and shiny in
the soup and remove before liquidizing, or boil them in the stock before
making the soup, for extra flavour and goodness.
Adapted from "Healthy Eating for a New Age" by Joyce D'silva.


