Hello folks. It's been a while since I've posted anything to the list -- my
schedule has been so hectic I can barely keep up with the digests. We've been
discussing saving for a home of our own over the holiday, and I'm feeling the
need to be more frugal. In that spirit, I am looking for some new ideas for:
(1) lunches to take to work that are tasty, easy to pack, and don't need a lot
of fuss in the re-heating (as my hubby will be taking them as well, and his
cooking skills are not so fabulous sometimes <g>);
(2) dinner ideas that are both frugal and time-conscious -- I am particularly
interested in crock-pot recipes, pressure cooker recipes (got a new one for
Christmas!), and make-ahead ideas; and
(3) new ideas for low fat, yet frugal, snacking -- while popcorn still holds
my heart, I'd like to see if others have something new in mind.
Thanks in advance for what I know will be some fabulous recipes and food ideas
-- you guys are always such a wealth of phenomenal information!
-- Christy Hardin Smith, from wild, wonderful West Virginia