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New Years Menu

>From: eves_apple@xxxxxxxx (Rosemary C.)
>Subject: new year's
>Message-Id: <19981227.233559.13814.1.eves_apple@xxxxxxxx>
>Perhaps some of the southerners on this list can help me out with this
>one...  Is it Hoppin John that is lucky to eat on New Year's, or
>blackeyed peas?  Thanks...  -Rosemary

Hi Rosemary:

Down here in my part of South Carolina we eat the following on New Year's Day:

Hog Jowl (I prefer smoked- fried)    For Health

Collard Greens                       For Green Backs ($)

Blackeye Peas                        For Change ($)

Corn Bread  (corn pone)              Forgot what that is for but sho is
                                     good with the other stuff

Hope that helps!


The South Will Rise Again!
