I work part time. I walk to work and breakfast a minimum of one hour
prior to arrival time. I generally need some sort of snack by 11:00 or
so. My question is this...what do you eat? I have been eating GeniSoy
bars (only one kind is fatfree, and I'm not sure how good it is
nutritionally besides the soy), clementines, soy yogurt (l/f not f/f),
and the ocassional leftover.
I'm bored and need ideas for things I can easily store in my desk or a
small fridge shared with others and requires a minimum of preparation.
I don't eat dairy, but I do eat egg whites.
I'll send along a recipe in a second post for 'fake' guacamole.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens
can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead