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Can you bake a doughnut?

You struck a cord with me on that one.
Indeed, Can you bake a doughnut?
Yes!  Absolutely!  If you can get to a Williams-Sonoma store, you will find
miniature doughnut pans there with recipes enclosed for doughnuts that are
baked, not fried.  They are "doable" with soy milk and egg substitute, too.
I make the cake ones and tinker with the spices a little to get that nutmeg
and cinnamon thing just right.
I will try to find the recipe tonight and send it on tomorrow.  They are
not oil-free, so I will send it to you privately.
Later, fellow doughnut lover!
Oh and a final thought - I'll bet Dixie diner club has thought of this one.
Anyone know anything along those lines?

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