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Lundberg rice

The other day I was reheating some basmati rice for dinner, and when I took
the dish out of the microwave I noticed some suspicious-looking black
specks, and they turned out to be boiled rice weevils. I retrieved the
almost-full 2 lb package from the fridge and poured some out on a plate,
and as I pushed it around I noticed 5 or 6 living rice weevils poking about
happily. My husband taped them to a 3 X 5 card and sent it off to Lundberg
with a rather testy note. The thing is, I never buy bulk rice because I've
been plagued with pantry moths during the last year. But the weevils are
not so nice to eat either, and I'd rather not consume critters of any kind.
So check your bags of Lundberg Brown Basmati--this was the "nutra-farmed"
variety... You better believe I'm going to pick through my rice carefully
next time, BEFORE I cook it...

